Monday, December 1, 2008

Incredible "Computer System Sweep" Week 13 for Sharp Football Analysis!!

My computer system plays were dialed in this week. System Unders went 4-0 (100%), System ATS went 2-0 (100%) w/ two underdogs, 1 of which won SU, and since there were no computer generated Overs (not enough value) I posted the two largest leans, and both hit for 2-0 (100%)!

That totals to 6-0 for official systems plays, and 2-0 for overs leans, for an
8-0 (100%)
Major Computer System Sweep!

Personal plays went 3-2 (60%) with 1 of the losses by 1 point ATS (TB-4).

Week 13 Results:
3-2 (60%) Personal Play brings the mark to 31-14-2 (69%) YTD
2-0 (100%) Overs System "leans" do not add to the mark of
9-3 (75%) YTD and still 30-4 (88%) the past two seasons!!
4-0 (100%) Unders System plays brings the mark to
23-11-2 (68%) YTD
2-0 (100%) ATS system plays brings the mark to 40-19-1 (68%) YTD

Overall Week 13 posted plays: 10-2 (83%)

The Overs system (my strongest and most accurate computer system) is still an incredible
30-4 (88%)
the past two seasons!!

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